Founding of HANYANG F&D Co.,Ltd.
Forming a partnership with HYUNDAI department store
Opening of a on-line shopping mall (www.uriedl.co.kr)
Launch of Bebefood simple porridge 5types
Contract as a supplier with MND Welfare Agency
Moving of head office and establishment of a factory to GyeongGi-do
Opening of a Bebefood’s website (www.bebefood.co.kr)
Launch of Bebefood laver, laver flakes, salt, soy sauce, soy paste, sesame oil
Launch of Bebefood rice puff 3types
Exports to China
Launch of Bebefood stir-fried chilli paste
Launch of renewed Bebefood simple porridge
Launch of Bebefood strawberry grain bar, mild laver
Forming a partnership with major baby shops in China
Launch of Bebefood rice rusk 7types
Launch of Bebefood cookie 3types, topping 3types
Forming a partnership with E-MART
Forming a partnership with SHINSEGAE duty free (Busan)
Exports to Thailand
Exports to Taiwan
Selected Bebefood rice rusk as HIT500 products
Acquirement of ‘Certificate of product-specific approved exporter’
Acquirement of ‘ISO22000 (Certificate of food safety management system)’
Exports to Singapore
Exports to USA
Exports to Hongkong, Macao
Acquirement of ‘Certificate of frontier export company’
Approval of food facility from U.S. FDA
Winning an award from minister of agriculture, food and rural affairs for export part
Forming a partnership with Qoo10 Singapore
Acquirement of ‘ISO9001 (Certificate of quality management system)’
Exports to Malaysia
Launch of Bebefood rice pop 2types, brown rice spread, yogurt-berry ball
Winning an award from Gyeonggi credit guarantee foundation chairman for export part
Change of company name to ‘BEBEFOOD KOREA CO.,LTD.’
Forming a partnership with Incheon int’l airport duty free shop
Launch of Bebefood rice cracker balls 3types, cheese melts 2types
Exports to Mongolia
Exports to Indonesia
Winning an export award from Korea international trade association
Winning an award from minister of trade, industry and energy for export part
Winning an award from governor of Gyeonggi province for export part
Registration of a patent
(Title: Enhanced function and storage of porridge
compositions. And its manufacturing method Reg.)
Launch of Bebefood rice with vegetable, elderberry juice
Application for a patent (Title: The method of manufacture of functional extruded rice. And extruded rice made in this method)
Launch of Bebefood zero seasoning laver
Establishment of R&D center
Winning an award from Gyeonggi Ministry of SMEs and Startups for export part
Exports to Cambodia
Registration of a patent
(Title: Producing method of functional molded rice and the molded rice made by that method)
Exports to Singapore
Exports to Vietnam
Launch of Bebefood mild soy sauce 2types
Get a certificate of Chinese GB standard as baby foods
Winning an award from Kotra for export part
Launch of Bebefood Postbiotics & prune beverage
Winning an award from Korea Federation of SMEs as comopany development
Launch of Bebefood pouch meal puree type
Acquirement of ‘the best valuable SMEs in Gyeonggi province’
Winning an award from Korea Federation of K-BIZ as comopany development